Procrastinating – Self Employed

You’re self employed or you’re a business owner/contractor. Your pay/how much you earn per year is based on how much you work. I get it. It’s a lot of pressure and it can quickly clog your mind. Like two many people trying to go through one door, or like traffic on the highway, things come […]

Who Made Business Boring?

There are people who can make the most dramatic, dragon filled, battle ridden, heart breaking tales boring. I think we have the same idea about work, or at least I did (and still do sometimes). Business and work don’t have to be boring if you are engaged. Someone once said “I want to know how […]

Yes, Godaddy Really Does Suck

I’ve long held Godaddy as the gold standard of poor hosting. Their tech department is the only one I know of that can offer 4 contradicting explanations and solutions to the the same problem. It honestly doesn’t mater how many times you call their tech support, they will always give you a different answer and […]

When the Goal Train Gets Off-Track

What to do When You Get Derailed Cool picture huh? Pretty but accurate if you think about it. Though there’s a simplicity in meeting goals once they are set properly, it’s rarely a smooth ride and almost never goes as expected, and sometimes the destination doesn’t look like you thought it would. Still, you ned […]

Successful Goal Setting – Part 2 – Goal Timeline

What are Your Goals? Assuming you know why and what you want to do, the next step is to set some goals for yourself. It’s important to note that there are different types of goals and not all of them need to be pursued as heavily as others. Lifelong goals like “climb Mount Everest” don’t […]

Successful Goal Setting – Part 1 – Motives

Why do you do what you do? Here’s what this is intended to help you do: Get direction Gain momentum Use your time more efficiently / Help stop you from wasting time in the short and long run Set up the foundation for guiding principles in all the following steps Create consistency in your life […]

Warning! When to Ignore Warnings & Promises!

When a warning comes on a package or from some trusted source, you should pay attention to those warnings. A lot of times it’s the same with a promise. Bleach for example. Promise: Will whiten things. Warning: Don’t ingest, it’ll kill you. What happens when you get promises and warnings from sources you don’t know […]


This is just kinda fun really. I honestly forgot why I started this post. Good thing I left this link in it as a reminder. I took this test and found parts of it to be accurate. It helped put into words and really help cement the idea that I need help in certain […]

Outsourcing & Partnering

Do you ever feel like you wear too many hats? That you spread yourself too thin focusing on aspects of your business or your life that you really don’t know much about? If you do, then you know the feeling you get when you are doing something to “save money” or perhaps “keep more” of […]

Sowing Too Much

A year ago I had a lot going on, but I still wanted to have a garden. It’s rare that I make things smaller than I intended so the garden ended up being kinda large. I planted the usual things plus a few rows of corn. Things were growing well, but we hit some hard […]